Whiten my teeth

If your teeth have lost their natural lustre and appear discoloured, stained or yellowed, then whitening should be an avenue to consider. There are various options that promise to enhance your pearly whites, yet differ in price and method. Some rely on us professionally performing the procedure, whilst others are sold Do-it-yourself (DIY) using custom

December 19th, 2020|Categories: Treatments, Whiten my teeth|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Whiten my teeth

DIY Teeth Whitening

DIY teeth whitening also known as ‘Custom Fitted’ or ‘At-Home Whitening' is the treatment of choice for patients with busy schedules and active lifestyles. With our advice and supervision you will be able to control the process at home. We cast impressions of your teeth to create a laboratory fabricated customised plastic tray for you

December 20th, 2015|Categories: Treatments, Whiten my teeth|Comments Off on DIY Teeth Whitening

Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening also known as 'Power Bleaching,' or 'In-Chair Whitening' is the procedure of choice for whitening teeth. It is indicated where general whitening is required but especially for severely stained teeth like tetracycline staining. Professional whitening procedures begin by protecting your lips, gums and mouth, leaving only your teeth exposed for the application

December 20th, 2015|Categories: Whiten my teeth|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Professional Teeth Whitening

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