Gum recession is a serious dental problem which needs supervision by a dental professional. Receding gums occurs when the gum detaches from the tooth and the tooth’s supporting structures including the bone and results in the root of the tooth being exposed which makes it more susceptible to cavities and tooth sensitivity.

Gum recession is caused in various ways including

·  Periodontal gum disease

·  Trauma to the gum tissue through injury or aggressive brushing

·  Prominent tooth roots or attachment muscles causing forced movement or it may just be hereditary.

Gum recession is typically treated through a prevention routine or in advanced cases, a gingival graft conducted in a periodontal surgery. This is a method where the outer most layer of your palate is removed and transplanted around the teeth. There are more complex methods to treat receding gums. Depending on the seriousness of the gums, your dentist may refer you to a specialist who will be able to advise you on what option is best for you.

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